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Remote and Flexible learning is a new concept that we have faced together for the first in history in 2020, Once more this year, health authorities have decided that a period of home learning was necessary. Remote and Flexible learning comes with its rewards and challenges. It is important for parents and carers to understand that they are not expected to be teachers and although it might be frustrating to not have all the answers, it is completely normal. Some days will unfold better than others and that is fine. The most important actions you can do are to continue to provide routine, support and encouragement to your child. The real challenge with this model goes beyond academic results, but is about maintaining a positive outlook and nurturing the students and families’ health and wellbeing.
As a parent, you will receive, a Class Dojo (Prep to 2) or Google Classroom (Year 3-6) feed that will outline your child’s learning for the following day, a more detailed plan will follow on the day of learning. This arrangement is to ensure that you are aware of what learning tasks are upcoming so you can support them if needed.
In accordance with the Department of Education remote and flexible learning guidelines, teachers will be posting literacy and numeracy learning experiences each day and additional curriculum work, depending on the year level of the students.
Caulfield Junior College teachers have developed a variety of tasks including read aloud books, videos, writing stimulus, brainteasers and numeracy problems and the list goes on- they have done a magnificent job! The teachers will include instructions for each task to ensure that the expectations are clear for both you and your child. Teachers have been encouraged to maintain visual/audio connection with their students throughout this time, so there will also be live sessions and video posts
explaining tasks accessible by links, so that students have the opportunity to see and hear their teacher’s voice.
Teachers will be available online to support students during normal school hours.
Online learning will take place on two platforms at Caulfield Junior College:
Class Dojo (Prep to year 2)
Google Classroom (Year 3-6)
Please take the time to read the “CJC Remote and Flexible Learning Protocol Chart” to understand the students, parents and carers and teachers’ role during this time, and where to get support.