The Caulfield Junior College Hebrew Immersion Program (HIP) began in 2001, initiated by a parent group. Today, a voluntary parent committee alongside an experienced Hebrew coordinator oversees the program.
Initially the program ran with approximately 20 children and today flourishes with nearly 100 children attending 3 mornings before school and is open to all Caulfield Junior College students. Our Hebrew Program caters for students from Prep to Grade 6 and all skill levels from beginners to native speakers. As of 2017, the administrative element of the program is facilitated by UJEB (United Jewish Education Board).
The Hebrew Immersion Program is a language based non-religious program that introduces cultural aspects by celebrating Jewish festivals. We celebrate the festivals with fun, educational and cultural activities with various youth movements during HIP class times as well as the wider Caulfield Junior College community, to foster appreciation for Jewish culture. The program is fortunate to enjoy strong support from Caulfield Junior College with a section of the school library dedicated to Hebrew language books.

The Caulfield Junior College (CJC) Hebrew Immersion Program (HIP) runs before school hours from 8am-8.45am, three mornings a week. Enrolment in the Program is open to all CJC students on a fee paying basis. It caters for students from Prep to Grade 6 and all levels from beginners to native speakers.
HIP aims to teach your child to communicate effectively in Hebrew by developing speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
This unique program started in 2001 and is run by a voluntary parent committee together with an experienced Hebrew coordinator. The program is administered by UJEB.
To celebrate Jewish festivals we run fun, educational, cultural activities together with youth movements and engage the wider CJC community to foster an appreciation for Jewish culture. We enjoy strong support from CJC, with a section of the CJC library being dedicated to Hebrew books.
To enrol your child please follow the following link:
Please contact the coordinator, Vered Harel for more information at:
vered@ujeb.org.au. or (03) 9523 6844.