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We are committed to providing students with diverse learning opportunities in a multicultural context that challenges them to recognise their individual potential .

Caulfield Junior College is a unique school that values the rich cultural diversity of our community. In this fast evolving world of digital technology and international collaboration, the notion of multiculturalism becomes a key that unlocks the true potential of the young minds and broadens their horizons. Our students are the thinkers and leaders of tomorrow; our goal is to prepare them academically and socially for their secondary education and beyond, and provide them with tools that exceed the limits of the traditional curriculum.


We offer two streams at CJC:


  • The Victorian curriculum that meets the standards of the Department of Education and Training Victoria.


  • The French Binational Program curriculum which offers a bilingual education based on both French and Victorian curricula that meets the standards of the Department of Education and Training Victoria as well as the French Ministry of National Education.


Furthermore, a Hebrew language program is offered to all CJC students as a before and after school extension opportunity.

In 2024, CJC is proud of its community that represents 28 different nationalities, speaking 23 languages other than English at home.



The Structure of the French-Australian School of Melbourne in 2024


Students’ profile

The French-Australian School of Melbourne currently has over 350 enrolled students (2024).

Most of these children were born in Australia to Franco-Australian parents, 75% have a French speaking parent who lives at home. Approximately 10% of our students are from expatriates families.


Teachers’ profile

In 2020, the French Binational Program represents 14 bilingual classes: 8 French teachers who graduated in their country of birth and hold a valid French teaching license, and 7 Australian teachers who graduated in an English-speaking country. The teachers work in binome (pairs) from Prep to Grade 6.  They plan and teach a program that meets the expectations of both education systems. There is also a class assistant in prep and two additional teachers working with the French Binational Program that support the students in their French education journey.


The examinations

The students are assessed according to the French National evaluation papers from Grade 1 to 6, as well as the Australian National testing system (NAPLAN) in grade 3 and 5.


Click here find out more about the French Binational Program

Chris Chant
School Principal
Caroline Pommier
Director French Binational Program
Broden Borg
Assistant Principal
Megan Barclay
Business Manager
Frank Meo
Facilities Manager
Yarish (Hari) Yalamanchi.jpg
Harish Yalamanchi
Specialist Technician
Melanie Absous
Alisha Liddell
Sophie Laforest
Catherine Percil
Trudy Warman
First Aid
Leadership & Administration Team / Équipe de Direction et Secrétariat
Prep Team / Grande Section
Gerard Maher
Teacher Prep A
Learning Specialist
Kam Pank.jpg
Kam Pank
Teacher Prep B
Claire Pelage.jpeg
Claire Pelage
Teacher FBP Prep C/D
Katrina Donald
Teacher FBP Prep C/D

Team Leader
Lisa Hermelin
Teacher Prep A
Rime Hoummada
Classroom Assistant
Grade 1 / CP
Katherine Kiely
Teacher Grade 1A
Team Leader
Kelsi Madsen
Teacher Grade 1B
Anne-Cécile Floch
Teacher FBP Grade 1C/D
Emily Ding
Teacher FBP Grade 1 C/D
Lisa Hermelin
Teacher Grade 1A

Grade 2 / CE1
Allison Bellamy
Teacher Grade 2 A
Georgia Green
Teacher Grade 2B
Team Leader
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Sandra Ballin
Teacher FBP Grade 2C/D
Sue Karantonis
Teacher FBP Grade 2C/D
Grade 3/4 / CE2 & CM1
Stefan Beal
Teacher Grade 3/4A
Team Leader
Will Ramano-Egan
Teacher FBP Grade 3 D/E
Kathleen O'Connell
Teacher Grade 3/4B
Learning Specialist
David Preston
Teacher FBP Grade 3D/E
Leora Jaye
Teacher Grade 3/4C
Sylvette Rayner
Teacher FBP Grade 4F/G
Demos Diplaris
Teacher Grade 3/4B
Don Kirk
Teacher FBP Grade 4F/G
Grade 5/6 / CM2 & 6ème
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Lakesha James
Teacher Grade 5/6A
David Logue
Teacher Grade 5/6B
Anne Aubrée
Teacher FBP Grade 5C/D
Team Leader
Lewin Davis
Teacher FBP Grade 5C/D
David Prevet
Teacher FBP Grade 6E/F
Irena Karakousis
Teacher FBP Grade 6E/F
Specialist Team / Professeurs spécialistes
Melissa Wright
Visual Arts
Team Leader
Vincent Berraud
Laure Baqué
Performing Arts
Jayden Van Dyk
Physical Education
Sheralee Spencer
Digital Technologies
Cat Wilson
Enrichment Team / Équipe de soutien à l'éducation
Eileen Brunton
Enrichment Leader
Leslie Bokobza.jpg
Leslie Bokobza
French Enrichment
Léa Leduque
French Enrichment Support
Laura Clapette
French Enrichment
Trudy Warman
Intervention Support
Multisensory Learning
Sarah Tran
Enrichment Support
School Council
Matilda Bedendo
Inclusion Coordinator
Jayde Okleshaw
Inclusion Support
Dipika Ghandi
Inclusion Support
Meghan Fiddler.jpg
Meghan Fiddler
Inclusion Support
Sharon Portelli.jpg
Sharon Portelli
Inclusion Support
Fiona O'Hare
Inclusion Support
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Manya Sikka
Inclusion Support

School Councils play a key role in Victorian government schools. Participating as a school council member is a rewarding and challenging experience. The School Council supports the principal to provide the b​​est possible educational outcomes for students.


The three main responsibilities of the School Council are Finance, Strategic Planning and Policy development and review. 


Further to the main School Council Committee, CJC has five sub-committees that help govern specific areas of the school administration (Buildings and Grounds, French Binational Program, Policy and Development, OSHC and Master Plan).


To find out more about the functions of the School Council, please visit:


Our Sub-Committees are open to parents of any child enrolled at CJC, as well as any staff member.  It is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the school community, especially if you have some particular expertise and would like to join the committee or a sub-committee, please contact the school office at .

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Our 2024 School Council members are:


  • Joseph Chang (School Council President) – Joseph has three children, including two at the school, in Grade 5 and Grade 2. Joseph was previously engaged in the masterplan and in Finance as Treasurer, and is now President of the School Council.


  • Adina Nijemcevic (School Council Vice President) – Adina has two children, including one at the school in Grade 3. Adina is probably the person who is the most familiar with CJC, as she is herself a CJC alumni and now a close neighbour of the school. Adina is engaged in Team Kids sub-committee, but also in the Parents’ Committee. Adina works in adult education.


  • Marc Warshall (Treasurer) – Marc has a son in Grade 1. He is a class convenor, Friday treats coordinator and regular volunteer in the Parent’s committee. Marc is new to the school council and has taken on the Treasurer role which fits in nicely with his finance and accounting background working for Creature Technology, an animatronics manufacturing company.​


  • Issy Arieli – Issy is very fortunate to have 5 children. Two have completed their studies at CJC and are now studying at Glen Eira College. Our one boy is in year 3 and a daughter is in year 1, while our youngest will start at CJC next year. I am returning to the school council after missing a year. Issy is involved in property investments after previously having a software business.


  • Daniel Besley - Dan has been part of the CJC community since 2021.  Both his daughters love the school and the activities that are on offer, including the Hebrew Immersion Program and various EFM after school activities. He currently works for Melbourne Water in asset management, volunteer for hockey coaching on weekends where he gets to watch both his daughters develop a love for the sport. He enjoys collecting new hobbies – which currently include playing golf, roasting his own coffee and barbequing


  • Asmine Hammadou (EFM President) – Asmine has a child in Grade 2. In Melbourne since 2013, Asmine engaged with the EFM subcommittee three years ago as the secretary and helped the association transition to the online platform through Covid. She took over the role of president in 2021. For the School Council, she convenes the French subcommittee and is involved in the School Engagement subcommittee.


  • Craig Jacobs – Craig has two children in Grade 1 and 3. Craig has a vested interest in their education and the environment in which they learn. Joining the School Council is his way of helping the school thrive after a difficult couple of years. Craig is hoping to put his work and life experience to good use in whatever ways CJC requires.


  • Amy Pate (Parents’ Committee President) – She has been involved in the PC for 5 years, 2 as President. She has two children in the binome program, one in Grade 5 and one in Grade 1. She is part of the community engagement forum and also liaises between the School, HIP, EFM and the PC. 


  • Charlie Porter – Charlie has two children, in Grade 3 and in Prep at CJC. Charlie is chair of the Buildings, Grounds and Masterplan sub-committee, providing for the maintenance of existing facilities including, while developing and considering various capital works plans and proposals, all with the goal of making the school the best environment for children, staff and the school community. Charlie works in corporate and commercial communications, owning a company that delivers video and animation content.​


  • Tom Roth -Tom has three children. He has a mixed French Australian family with links in the local community through living, playing sport and working locally. He works in health care management for Aspen Medical. With his family, he returned to Australia in 2018. I He has previous experience on CJC's School Council as treasurer and on the Master Plan subcommittee of CJC (4 years).


  • Chris Chant (School Principal) – Chris joined CJC as School Principal in 2017 for a short stay and returned in 2018 as the ongoing Executive Principal and has been instrumental to the recent developments of the school.


  • Caroline Pommier (French Director) – Caroline joined CJC in 2015. Caroline works closely with our local communities to improve the school’s connection with families. She leads the French Binational Program and is also the Vice President of the AAFEBS ( Australian Association of French English Bilingual Schools).


  • Broden Borg (Assistant Principal) – Broden joined CJC in 2021. He works closely with all teaching staff to improve the teaching and learning at CJC.


  • Anne Aubrée (Grade 5 teacher) – Anne joined CJC in 2007. Anne, her husband and their 2 boys arrived in Australia in 2004 initially for 4 years…but have decided to stay a little bit longer! Anne is engaged in the French binome subcommittee.


  • Cat Wilson (STEM teacher) – Cat joined CJC in 2009. Cat is teaching in Year 1/2 and in Year 1 French Enrichment, and coordinates our working bees and environmental initiatives.


The convenors of our subcommittees and a brief description of their functions:


  • French Binational Program – (Convenor - Asmine Ammadou) the subcommittee is responsible for ensuring the ongoing integration of the French Elective in the school.

  • Policy & Development – (Convenor – Craig Jacobs) the subcommittee is involved in reviewing, updating and ratifying the documented school policies (i.e. Uniform policy, Child Safety, Camps & Excursions etc.)

  • School  Identity Subcommittee (Convenor Charlie Porter) The subcommittee's mission is to consolidate the school positioning and its visibility to all of our community

  • Community Engagement - (Convenor Tom Roth) Promoting community engagement in the various aspect of the Parent Committee's initiatives.

  • OSHC – (Convenor – Megan Barclay) the subcommittee oversees and reviews the OSHC services.



Our School Values, our HEROes

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Our History in Detail

Over a century ago, in July 1914, Caulfield Junior College opened its doors for the first time (as Balaclava Road Primary School), just two weeks before the news broke that WW1 had begun. Caulfield was then a flourishing new suburb and the residents had been pushing the project for several years. 400 students were already enrolled when Balaclava Road Primary opened its doors, making it one of the largest primary schools in Melbourne. What a great achievement it was for the local community as previously, the students residing in Caulfield North had to walk several kilometres through bushland or swamps to schools, which were located as far as St Kilda or Malvern.


The original playground consisted mostly of swampland in winter and dry dusty land in the summer. The students had to battle flies, ants and other pests in this harsh environment. Nonetheless, the school proved to be popular and has been thriving throughout the last and current centuries. From its original building, new purpose built classrooms and modern shared areas have been added, and thankfully, the swamps have been replaced by a sporting oval, a basketball court, playgrounds and zoned recreational areas!


Not only did our school go through a series of name changes, from Balaclava Road Primary School to Caulfield North Central School to Caulfield Junior College, it also served as a hospital in 1917 during the First World War when it was hosting Spanish flu victims in quarantine! Of course…the students were relocated elsewhere before the first patients were admitted…


Nowadays, Caulfield Junior College plays a unique and important role in Melbourne’s greater community; it is the home of the French-Australian School of Melbourne, teaching a French binational program, as well as remaining a fantastic local government school offering a Hebrew Immersion Program to suit the need of our diverse community. With over 530 students from 28 nationalities who contribute to the rich international background of the school, we celebrate the citizens of the world by introducing various cultural celebrations throughout the year.  


In this fast changing world we live in, we are dedicated to offering Caulfield Junior College students the best multilingual education they can get and equip them with a broad range of cultural knowledge to help them become the leaders of tomorrow.

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